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Pie Rankine

Pie Rankine lives and works in a secluded bush setting near Chewton in regional Victoria. Her recent work connects with a feminist critique of neoliberalism that operates with the concept of care in everyday life, living outside of the system. Rankine has found herself forced to consider her resources and harness their potential to support a creative and purposeful way of living in a different way. She asks, how we can activate a conceptual framework that pays attention to the connections between spaces and bodies (of all kinds), that gives and receives care as the world folds into the self at different speeds and in a variety of levels and intensities, affecting the ways we live. Rankine asks how we can relate to other bodies and make art.


Pie Rankine will present work in the Care Exhibition Program at ACU Melbourne Gallery in July 2021, supported by Regional Arts Victoria.


 Pie Rankine, Zig Zag, installation view, Gallery 9, Sydney, 2017

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